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Anntitude Creative Writings

A Man of very few words written by #Anntitude

Who is like my dad?

He is a man, a man of very few words

He is a caring father and a devoted husband 

He is a man, a man very committed. 

He is a loving father and a very hardworking husband.

A man who put others first. No spoken words. Only actions.

What kind of man is that?

A man of very few words.

Very calm, quiet, compassionate and overwhelming. One who is often misunderstood.

He is a man, a man very sophisticated.

Warns of danger without seeing it

Educates about life, after learning it

Rebukes about things knowing it

Explain his plans and ideas after constructing it.

Shares his income without thinking twice.

What kind of man is like my dad?

One of a kind. A man of very few words.



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